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Dec 2, 2016
Choose the Right Words for Your Presentations
Brenda Smyth
The words you use, or misuse, can make or break a presentation. Certain words are more rational than others, more boring, more intellectual. Some can also trigger emotions more than others. People are more likely to buy (or buy into what you are saying) if you appeal to their emotions.
Remember these three keys to effective word choice.
- Use Colorful Language to Paint a Picture That Sticks
- Metaphors
- Similes
- Contrast the strange and the familiar
- Compare the best and worst cases
- Use Conversational Language to Sound Conversational
Nonconversational Conversational
Bifurcate Split
Connotes Means
De jure According to law
Fallacious False
Myriad Great number
Pedestrian Ordinary
Render Cause
Vex Annoy
Courageous Brave
Gratification Enjoyment
Fortunate Lucky
Humorous Funny
Pleased Happy
Jesting Joking
I regret I’m sorry
Sufficient Enough
Terminate End
Tidings News
Wealthy Rich
Accelerate Speed up
Perhaps Maybe
Beneficial Good for
Challenge Dare
- Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot by Using Words That Are …
- Discriminatory
- In poor taste
- Jargon/acronyms
Think carefully about the words you’re using in your presentations. Paint colorful, memorable pictures. Use the words you’d use if you were talking to someone one-on-one.
Brenda Smyth
Brenda Smyth is supervisor of content creation at SkillPath. Drawing from 20-plus years of business and management experience, her writings have appeared on, and Training Industry Magazine.
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